Everyone wants to sponsor more reps into their network marketing business, but statistics show that the average networker only sponsors 2.1 reps their entire career.
Why is that?
Well alot of network marketers attempt to sponor more reps into their business by throwing up all over their prospects. Although this may work on some occasions, its not a practice I recommened you to get comfortable with.
In this video Big Al explains how you can sponsor more reps into your business when you use the right language to push your prospects to take action.
Watch this video below and learn why its not always about what you do, but more of what you say when you do what you do.
Love it man! You are so right Shawn!
Hi Shawn. Glad to reach this page.
The link seems to be expired…
Is there a new link for above video ?
Thanks in advance.
Yes I have updated the link. Thanks