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You are reading this because you probably want to know some different ways to jump start your business for the up coming year.

Trust me I know how you feel because back in 2007, If I knew the ways to jump start a business then…

I probably would have made more than $500 that year. But I was a newbie and very excited …

…and prior to kicking off the year with a new travel business I joined at the end of 2006, I had never did any kind of business in my life.

So as I sit here in my office, brain storming, I came up with what I think are the best five ways to jump start your business in 2014.

ways to jump start your business

But before I reveal to you how you can jump start your business for success, let me share with you some of the crucial common mistakes people make so that you can avoid them on your journey. [continue reading…]


A while back someone asked me how should they design 100 dollar bill drop cards if they decided to use them to market and generate leads for their MLM business.

I pretty much told them to design them only to grab attention not make a sale, because you want to collect their info and build trust and the sale will come.

Remember, design 100 dollar bill drop cards only to peek interest of your prospects. This gets them curious enough to visit your website or give you a call.

 Click Here To Get Your 100 Dollar Bill Drop Cards


Here are 3 of my favorite templates to put on my drop cards  that you can use:

1.) The #1 Home Base Business PERIOD!



2.) Disappointed? Don't Be.

I Can Show You How To Make
25-30 Reals Ones Every Month.



3.) If You Already Have All The Money You Need..

Then Don't Visit: www.yourwebsite.com


If this blog post helped you, please comment and share.

Shawn Johnson's Affiliate Marketing Blog
Email: Support@ShawnJohnsonInc.com
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P.S. If you want to learn how to start a profitable business onlineclick here  to get instant access to my  recommended part-time entrepreneur program.